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张文勋,白族,1926 年生,云南省洱源县人,教授。历任云南大学中文系主任、文科学术委员会主任、西南边疆民族经济文化研究中心主任等。现为云南省文史研究馆名誉馆长,中国作家协会会员,中国古代文论学会名誉会长,云南省诗词学会终身名誉会长。长期从事文艺理论、中国古代文论和美学的教学和研究工作。主要著作有:《中国古代文学理论论稿》、《刘勰的文学史论》、《诗词审美》、《儒道佛美学思想探索》、《国学丛谭》以及《风樵诗词》等十余种。另出版《张文勋文集》六卷本。曾获全国教育系统劳动模范称号,享受国务院特殊津贴,并获兴滇人才奖等多项奖励。

Zhang Wenxun, of Bai nationality, born in 1926, a native of Eryuan county of Yunnan province, professor, held positions of head of Chinese Department of Yunnan University, director for Academic Committee of Arts, director of the Research Centre for Minority Economy and Culture in Southwest of China. He is now honorary president of Yunnan Institute for Traditional Sinology,member of Chinese Association of Authors, honorary presidentof China Association of Ancient Literature and Literary Critism,honorary permanent president of Yunnan Poetry Association. He has been researching and teaching in the fields of art theory, ancient Chinese literature, and aesthetics. His major publications are On Theory of Ancient Chinese Literature, On Literature History of Liu Xie, Aesthetics in Poem and Lyric,Explorations on Aesthetics of Confucianism, Taoism and Buddhism, On Sinology, and Poems and Lyrics by Fengqiao. Six volumes of Collected Essays of Zhang Wenxun have come off the press. He was once national model worker in educational field, enjoying special allowance from State Council. He has won many awards including Talent Prize for those who have contributed to the revitalization of Yunnan.



杨世光,纳西族,1941 年生于今香格里拉县长江边。大学毕业后从职丽江地委宣传部,创办《玉龙山》杂志。1980 年调云南人民出版社,历任副总编辑、编审、《大家》杂志决审。2007 年被聘为云南省文史研究馆馆员,主务民族文史与创作研究。出版著作有:论著《丽江史话》等5 部,散文集《亲吻美丽》等8 部,诗词集《壮游中华》等7 部,其他著集《黑白之战》等10 部,读《老子》《庄子》诗三百首。作品四次获得全国级奖,九次获省奖,编辑图书两次获国家大奖。现为中国作家协会会员,云南省诗词学会、云南省国学研究会副会长。

Yang Shiguang, Naxi, born in 1941 on the edge of the Yangtse River in Shangri-La county, graduated from a university and began his journalist career in the Propaganda Dept. under the Lijiang    Prefecture Party Committee. He started a new magazine named Yulong Shan. He was transferred in 1980 to the Yunnan Publishing House and worked as vice editor in chief, copy editor and final-decision editor of the magazine Da Jia . In 2007 Mr.Yang was appointed staff-member of the Yunnan Institute for Traditional Sinology, in charge of ethnic culture and history as well as creation research.His  publications include Table Talk on the History of Lijiang and other 5 treaties (books)、Kiss Beauty and other 8 collections of essays, Travel Around China and other 7 collections of poems, The War Between Black and White and other 10 books; 300 poems about the reading of Lao Zi and Zhuang Zi . Mr. Yang has won national-level prizes 4 times for his outstanding academic works and provincial-level prizes 9 times. He has ever twice won National Grand Awards for the books he complied. He is now a member of China's Association of Writers, vice president of Yunnan Poetry Society and Yunnan Research  Institute of Traditional Sinology.




Zhong Kaitian,born in 1944,a native of Kunming, Yunnan province, is a professional painter of Chendu Military Region. He used to be art counselor of Beijing University and visiting professor of Science and Technology University of China. He became a member of Chinese Artists Association in 1979, engaged in research and creation of traditional Chinese painting, fresco, and calligraphy. He is good at portrait-painting, mountains-and-waters painting, flowers-and-birds painting and calligraphy, especially capable of managing large pictures. Mr. Zhong has held many exhibitions of his works and lectured abroad. He won Artistic Creation Prize awarded by General Political Department of the People's Liberation Army and won Literary and Artistic Achievement Prize in Yunnan. His works are displayed in Foreign Guests Hall of 8.1 Building of CMC, in Ziguang Pavilion of ZhongNanhai, in Foreign Affairs Hall of National Defense Department, and in Golden Hall and Yunnan Hall of Great Hall of the People. National air and strong Zeitgeist are reflected in his works, with an artistic style which is simple and dignified, calm and bold. His works show varied calligraphy, free and easy, wide and magnificent, and vivid. Launching ceremony for A Collection of Zhong Kaitian's Paintings was held in 2001 in the Great Hall of the People. He has also various painting albums and calligraphy collections published.

